List of benefits

Take advantage of the Bauer Hotel Group's offers and get benefits for every meal.

Business Benefit BASIC VIP
Terasa U Prince, Old Town Square 29, Prague 1,
Terasa U Prince Money for next visits 5 % 10 %
Restaurant U Prince, Old Town Square 29, Prague 1,
Restaurant U Prince Money for next visits 5 % 10 %
Black Angel's Bar, Old Town Square 29, Prague 1,
Black Angel's Bar Money for next visits 5 % 10 %
Deer Restaurant, Michalská 19, Prague 1,
Deer Restaurant Money for next visits 5 % 10 %
Restaurant Zlatý Strom, Karlova 6, Prague 1,
Restaurant Zlatý Strom Money for next visits 5 % 10 %
Zlatý Strom Bar, Karlova 6, Prague 1,
Zlatý Strom Money for next visits 5 % 10 %

Glossary of Terms

Money for next visits
What you spend with us will be credited to your loyalty account the next day. You will receive 5% bonus of the total bill from us for your next visit, and if you are a VIP member you will receive 10%. You can use bonus points to pay up to 75% of your next bill. You will automatically become a VIP member if you spend CZK 30,000 in the last 12 months.
Example: You spend CZK 3,000 in one of our restaurants. For your next visit, you will receive CZK 150 or CZK 300 from us, depending on your membership.